Key to Victory? Who Has the Best Ground Game

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL,  Tuesday, October 9, 2012, by Gerald F. Seib 

Key to Victory?  Who Has the Best Ground Game

“Political campaigns contain many sexy components: multimillion-ad buys, national debates, convention speeches.  But this year’s election may well hinge on a decidedly unsexy factor: voter turnout machinery…

And in a close race, what matters most in the end game isn’t who airs a few more ads or gives a slightly better speech.  What matters most is which side can get its supporters to actually show up at the polls.”

Best ground game; best end game:  Great metaphors for the election at this point, especially in football season.  Often it isn’t the sexy passes in the air, but the running back game that wins.  Of course, it takes both and depends on the coach’s strategy.

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